The List

The grand list of previous, current, and upcoming expeditions of The Vigil.

EGodzilla pushing back a recently turned Godwin.

No More Room In Hell I

Rating: 7/10

Time: 54 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, Godwin, James, Eman

Description: From 2013 to 2014, The zombie apocalyptic cityscape provided us with plenty of hours - Fighting through hordes of zombies with limited ammo and due to the difficulty of the whole escapade led The Vigil to use a forbidden ritual named only "The Infinite Ammo Command". Though nowadays better lands to dwell in have come along, Those memories will hold a fond memory of the very first expeditions.

Ryan trying to pull off some stair stabs in CTF_Viking.

Team Fortress II

Rating: 10/10

Time: 201 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, Ryan, Kristof

Description: From 2012 to 2015, The king of hero shooters had held a firm grasp on the vigilants as they fought in skirmishes utilizing various mercenary loadouts. TF2 has and will always hold a special place in the history of expeditions as it became one of the most memorable times during after-school days. Before Overwatch came along and ruined the genre - It was a blast just going on custom maps such as CTF_Viking, Mario_Kart, Even custom gamemodes like surf and rocket jump.

Eggsbenedict standing over the body of a deceased Shrek.

Left 4 Dead

Rating: 9/10

Time: 148 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, Ryan, Eggsbenedict

Description: From about 2013 and onwards, Killing zombies became a daily occurrence - Running through campaigns at higher and higher difficulties until we learned the layouts of all the maps, even getting us to come back sometime in the 2020s to try again and earn some achievements. It was a remnant of a triple-A market that provided games that were actually polished and it deserves the recognition it gets.

EGodzilla standing over the forest base.

The Forest

Rating: 9/10

Time: 120 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, Ryan

Description: Sometime between 2015 and 2018, We were finally getting into the survival genre, The Forest gave a bit of a challenge at the start trying to stave off hunger, thirst, and cannibals while exploring a mysterious island. The base building was a good hook and the story as it unfolded was a nice surprise.

EGodzilla taking an opportunity to have a quick sniff while the killer is focused on Nevarro.

Dead By Daylight

Rating: 10/10

Time: 314 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, James

Description: From 2018 to 2020, The entity had taken hold of our vigilants as they try to escape it's realms. An unexpected long running expedition that kept us coming back for more - Every new killer and survivor that came in gave us a fresh and new experience as we coordinate repairing generators, duping killers, and finding that elusive trapdoor. As thrilling as it was, things would eventually come to an end when we finally escaped The Entity's grasp.

Wishshadow being carried off after sustaining injuries from an unknown source.


Rating: 8/10

Time: 80 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow

Description: 2020 started off with a journey through a never ending ocean, Building a boat powered by 6 engines to uncover the stories of other survivors. Overall it was a pretty good adventure with updates coming out fairly quickly during our time with it, Although there wasn't much to do in between the points of interest, We quite enjoyed the time we had with what we were given.

Nevarro, and EGodzilla looking in at a dead Wishshadow.


Rating: 8/10

Time: 107 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, James

Description: 2020 gave us more than one game to bide our time alone in our homes, While Valheim gave us a peaceful and somewhat relaxing experience, Phasmophobia on the other hand challenged us (At least at the start) with a thrilling experience; full of scares and shenanigans to be had. I remember whenever nobody knew what else to do, It had always come down to Phasmo being the one to go back to.

EGodzilla haggling prices with Trader Joel.

7 Days to Die

Rating: 7.5/10

Time: 230 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, Ghostdog, James

Description: The later part of 2020 and parts of 2021 we went back to our roots with the zombie genre, This time with base building and surivival. The graphics weren't much to look at, AI was clunky at times, Quests were very repetitive and there wasn't really any story. That being said, the building was the best part and we spent many hours just expanding and upgrading our forts with traps and better materials.

Nevarro, Wishshadow, and James looking for somewhere to settle a village.


Rating: 10/10

Time: 346 hours

Status: Postponed

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow, James, Tobias

Description: 2021 was a time of isolation but that didn't stop The Vigil, Instead Valheim served as a way to spend those hours with each other - Building, crafting, and surviving through a very well made indie. I myself easily put about 80 hours into it solo before the others joined in to venture together. Nowadays we're awaiting for the full release to come out before we go back and brave Valheim's shores.

EGodzilla has fallen, And he can't get up.

Payday 2

Rating: 10/10

Time: 155 hours

Status: Postponed

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla

Description: 2021 had us robbing banks, gangs, The Whitehouse, and suburban families in order to buy us some fashionable masks.  The mechanics had us hooked from the very first heist, Stealthing our way through while memorising every patrol route, camera and security room locations. It was a good time that sadly the sequel did not follow through with.

Nevarro, Wishshadow, and James preparing for another adventure.

TES V: Skyrim

Rating: 9/10

Time: 20 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Wishshadow, James

Description: 2021 was also when we got lost in the land of Skyrim, Traversing the lands often encountering more than a couple bugs at a time. It was a good change from having to travel the cold landscape alone but it wasn't going to last with how incomplete the mod was.

Wishshadow stumbling into the wrong hole.


Rating: 8/10

Time: 70 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow

Description: During 2021 the vigilants were shrunk down to the size of an ant and forced to survive in a garden full of robots and mutated bugs. Overall a good surivival experience and plenty of content to do, A bit challenging with the scarcity of resources that we were given. In the end the ending was reached albeit not the true one, and time may only tell if the vigilants will go back and finish it.

Wishshadow stumbling into the wrong hole.

It Takes Two

Rating: 9/10

Time: 13 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla

Description: If I had a nickel for everytime we were shrunk down in 2021, I'd have two nickels - Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. After A Way Out (Another of Hazelight Studios) This one was also quite a pleasant experience, Some fun cooperative time that was short and sweet with some minigames and optional challenges thrown in there.

EGodzilla about to get his cheeks clapped by a Jotunn.

Conan Exiles

Rating: 8/10

Time: 60 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla

Description: Diving into the world of Conan: The Barbarian in 2021 was a good change of pace between the lovey dovey story of It Takes Two, and the child-friendly world of Grounded. There were lots of tiddies, vagenes, and bepis. Modded the hell out of it and enjoyed the slavery system - So much in fact that mods were also added to add new quests and content. (Yes Cameron, Half of our playtime was modded content.)

EGodzilla taming future Vigilant-Attendant Trike Wazowski.

Ark: Survival Evolved

Rating: 6/10

Time: 50 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla

Description: 2021 and off with an adventure filled with dinosaurs and other prehistoric entities set in the post apocalyptic far future of Ark. Though the taming of creatures with their unique abilities was fun, It's clunky combat and often unreliable engine caused us to put it down after doing a few bosses and never really going too far into the storyline of the dlcs.

Nevarro and EGodzilla on a casual stroll through Machine-Infested Sweden.

Generation Zero

Rating: 7/10

Time: 20 hours

Status: Postponed

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla

Description: Now into the later end of 2021 with a alternate timeline sweden where machines of WW2 have gone rogue and it's our job to survive. Honestly I don't know what our goal was through most of this expedition, It started feeling a bit repetitive with sneaking on robots and looting places. The gunplay was good and more content has been added since then. We'll be going back to Sweden soon.

EGodzilla's wooden and dirt house.


Rating: 10/10

Time: 200 hours

Status: Complete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow

Description: Going back and forth through the years and finally finishing it sometime between 2021-2022. It's such a good time with the voxel-based building mechanics and rpg mechanics pulled directly from RPGs. The achievements though are a commitment to themselves with some having to take a whole day just to finish.

Nevarro and EGodzilla transporting some produce.

Scrap Mechanic

Rating: 5/10

Time: 16 hours

Status: Incomplete

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla

Description: Almost the end of 2021 with a different one, Still of the survival genre but with the twist of having to manufacture your own machines using block based technology and other circuitry working the same way as terraria wires or redstone with it's logic gates. I think Cameron had some trouble trying to figure out mechanics but I enjoyed making Optimus Prime.

Apocalypse Book Club, Consisting of Wishshadow, EGodzilla, and Nevarro.

Project Zomboid

Rating: 10/10

Time: 60 hours

Status: Postponed

Vigilants: Nevarro, Evilgodzilla, Wishshadow

Description: A rare gem of the survival genre that does things differently with it's intricate mechanics, building, dismantling, crafting, training, and of course the inevitable demise of your character resulting in you starting again in the same world. I loved just building up a fortress against the zombies and watching it as well as our characters change over time. We'll definitely be going back soon.